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I Love My Wife Meme Funny

Wonderful Couple With Love Shape Balloon Studio Photograph

If you are wondering how you ended up in this post, it is because you're awesome and you want to say I love you to your girl with style.

Memes are a great way to say I love you and you don't have to worry about misspelling a single letter (out of 8) and start a war.

Love memes for when you are trying to say how much you love her should be short, sweet, and direct to the point.

I Love You memes for her

In case you didn't know, a lioness doesn't have a mane!

In case you didn't know, Minions really love bananas!

In case you didn't know all the girls love forehead kisses and most love kittens. (I have plenty to say about those girls who don't love kittens but that's as long as another blog post)

Saying I love you memes are simple and meant to replace the usual boring "I love you" that's starting to become a routine. Love memes are a perfect way to spice it up a bit.

If you really want to take it up a notch, love memes saying "I love you" with some humor can never go wrong. Here are some funny Love Memes for her

                      Related Reading:                    Cute Relationship Memes for Your Partner        

Funny love memes for her

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In case you didn't know, women like cake too.

In case you didn't know, women love fairy tales. They love happily ever afters and also love Prince Charming. So if you aren't one, tough luck!

But, don't worry too much about it, the perfect Princess is just a myth.

Sometimes what you have to say is a little longer, so it's best to send love memes in the form of a quote. Here are some best love memes for her. ..

                      Related Reading:Best Love Memes for Him        

Best love memes for her

In case you didn't know, it's entertaining to watch a woman lose their poise while laughing.

In case you didn't know, most men have sex as the first and last thing on their minds each day. If you are not like that, you better be a billionaire.

In case you didn't know, most men haven't even heard of Dear John unless they are in the military. Don't bother looking it up.

Sometimes a plain "I love you," isn't enough to show your affection. Like saying sorry and ecstasy pills, it loses meaning the more you use it. You have to do something different to show true love. Here are some t rue love memes for her.. .

                      Related Reading:                                Funny Sex Memes That Will Make You Laugh        

True love memes for her

In case you didn't know, Age doesn't matter when it comes to love, just don't show it on Facebook.

In case you didn't know, staying with one woman is difficult for some men (the rest find it difficult to find a woman at all).

In case you didn't know, Necrophilia is illegal in some countries.

There are also times when you are not in the mood for the hot and heavy stuff, you just want her to say aww… and be done with it. So here are some  cute love memes for her…

                      Related Reading:                    70 Ways to Say I Love You        

Cute love memes for her

In case you didn't know, cats don't really have nine lives, so don't test it.

In case she didn't know, you are talking about your love joystick. So make sure she figures it out, but not right away.

In case you don't know what animal that is, I don't know either.

Sending cute I love you memes for her might make her think about something else instead of you, something like a puppy or croissant. So if you want to go a different direction, here are some sweet love memes for her

                      Related Reading:Best Sexy Memes to Excite Your Husband        

Sweet love memes for her

In case you didn't know if you have one thing to give her, she would rather prefer a diamond ring or some passionate sex.

This is a good one, in case you didn't know if you stay being nothing she will leave. So while she is your world, make the world bigger for both of you while you're at it, cause women easily get bored with lame-duck men.

In case you didn't know if you are just saying this to get in her pants make sure at least the beautiful part is true.

Here are some romantic love memes for her , in case you don't know the difference between sweet and romantic if you can do it for free, it's sweet. Romantic cost a little bit of money!

                      Related Reading:                    Romantic Love Quotes for Him        

Romantic love memes for her

In case you didn't know, if you sent this meme, she will expect the world from you. So make sure you follow through. Unless you are looking for a divorce.

In case you didn't know, most women would hate this especially if they are not into basketball.

So do this instead. If you decide to send this as a meme to your girl, again she will expect things from you. Don't disappoint her if you value your life.

All of the above are perfect love memes to fit a particular scenario. But if you are just starting dating or almost there, then you have to approach it differently. Here are some new love memes for her that would blow her mind.

                      Related Reading:            100 Love Paragraphs for Her to Cherish        

New love memes for her

In case you didn't know, once you are married this will be reversed,  seconds feel like hours, so on and so forth.

(Note to Editor: Please crop)

In case you didn't know, this may sound sweet but it also opens up a can of worms. Make sure you don't talk about your ex's too much, especially if you have over 200 of them.

In case you didn't know, this is a perfect love meme to send after your first romp. A lot of women are thinking about if you offered her the moon just to get in her pants. (Especially since you haven't given her the moon. You can offer her a star though ).

Memes, even though existing primarily to make one laugh, are actually a powerful medium of conveying a message. Meems convey emotion and humor.  One might say they have it all.

There are more than plenty of ways of communicating a message.

For example:

Whether it is An who loves Al or it is something entirely else happening in that cooking class is open to interpretation.

Or even:

You are clearly letting your loved one know what kind of an adrenaline rush you would like to share with her.

Some memes will be more direct and going straight to the point, while others would pave a path to experimentation by using humor. If you do not want to be blunt or perceived as aggressive, I suggest you start with the little humor first.

With memes, you can tell your girl how much you love her and make her laugh. This can be especially sweet when you are together in person.

Imagine waking up, doing your morning routine, kissing your sleepy wife or girlfriend goodbye, and sending them a meme to show how happy you are, waking next to them every morning.

          Related Reading:170+ Sweet Love Letters to Her From the Heart        

Let your darling know that you know the relationship is not only rainbow and butterflies. Reassure them you are willing to work through the issues and challenges.

…or let your lady know how happy you are with them.

Compliments, compliments, compliments! About everything.

You cannot make a  mistake with compliments. If your partner loves you, she will love you even more after each consecutive compliment she gets.

And it goes something like this:


Is she a poetry fan? It doesn't really matter if you say yes or no. This is one she will love because it is coming from you.

Showing you understand that letting her guard down is not easy will help her open up.  People who were hurt tend to close themselves and become very reluctant to let anybody in.

By showing her you know how much effort it took for her to put her guard down, she might want to let you in completely. Interpret that as you will.

Your woman needs to know you will not take her for granted and will fight for her every day.

Memes can be useful as pick up lines as well.

I would not recommend using these as an actual conversation starter. There are a lot of "cheesy" but cute pick-up lines out there.

However, after some time you can use them to make your intentions clear and prevent being friend-zoned.

Here are some of them:

Girls like knowing they are beautiful and wanted, so here is a timeless one for when she sends you pictures of herself.

Make sure to complement more than her physical attributes. Otherwise, she might think you are with her only for her body (although you might be, if she finds out it won't go so well).

If she is a meme lover, you can use them for any occasion. For instance, you can use memes to wish your loved partner a happy birthday.

Add memes to the present you prepared for her. Make her breakfast in bed, plan a surprise trip after you're both done with work, and squeeze in a meme, showing her you are all-around thoughtful.

Don't worry, you are no less of a man if you send pink memes. After all, this is more of a salmon color really.

If your girl is a fan of Gothic stuff, you can send that too. Possibilities are limitless with the power of internet browsing.

If you are comfortable enough to use black humor, congratulate her birthday as no one else will.

A funny game of semantics, if you are away from your sweetheart. Use this meme if you cannot be there to wish her a happy birthday in person and you want to make her LOL.

Austin Powers, international man of mystery and a real lady-killer.

Or if she's a fan of David Hasselhoff's chest hair:

Animals always create positive emotions, whether she is a big animals' fan or not.

They are cute, cuddly, funny, and adorable.

If she is a dog person, she ought to love these memes. If she is not, by the time you are done sending her these, she will become one.

Make sure you wouldn't really do anything for her, girls don't like it when boys are pathetic.

Cat person community is rather strong within the fans of memes.

Cats are observed as something like divinity within this community, almost like they were in Ancient Egypt. So if you are not sure if she is a dog or a cat person, my money would be on cats.

Or you can play safe and go with really big cats.

The lion is a king of the jungle and lioness is in pair with him. This kind of analogy is appealing to any woman. It indicates her importance and signifies her strength.

Sometimes memes can be an icebreaker in case of a cold war, where you both sit apart, looking at your phones and not talking to each other.

You can use memes to make your sexual innuendos clear and let your girl know she's desirable, wanted, and sexually appealing. Girls dig that!

Use memes to let her know what you like. If she says yes, you are in. If she says no, you can pawn it off to joking.

You can play with the levels of seductiveness as much as you want. Depending on where you are in your relationship, you can be as delicate or as daring and bold as you want.

You can go for a minimalistic approach.

These memes with just a few words can be powerful enough in sending the message.

If your girl is actually a part of the meme-community, she will probably like some "old-school" memes.

                      Related Reading:                    Best Love Memes        

Old school love memes for her

These e-cards are classic and you can choose from a huge pool of choices for almost any occasion.

As you have maybe realized already, there are tons of memes out there. These are applicable for new as well as foras well.

Everything that is happening to you as a couple, happened to somebody else as well, who decided to make a meme of it.

Maybe too much information about the excessive bodily glasses, but still, your efforts to combat flatulence should not go unnoticed!

Or you can discreetly let her know her bodily functions are perfectly normal and acceptable. Here you have sent a funny message, and also let your woman know she can let the winds blow!

This topic can be difficult for many partners. For some, farting means not caring anymore about the presence of the loved one. For others, it might mean closeness, intimacy, and liberty in partnership.

You can illustrate some other common relationship situations too!

                      Related Reading                    :          Funny Relationship Memes        

The common relationship situations

This is probably my favorite one! I hope Will Smith does not mind. I'm sure he sends memes as well.

Which one do you identify the most with?

This one is perfect if you want to let your spouse know you appreciate the chores she does.
Or if you want to let her know you understood the message and you will be careful next time.

Don't send her this one if you plan on using it in the future.

Although, it might not hurt to know. She will still guess but, this time, she will have thought it through in advance.

An appropriate meme if she is vegan or vegetarian. No animals were hurt in making this meme.

Is she a cartoon fan? Disney fan? She will love this one!

A meme from one of the best-animated movies out there, talking about the depth of love and significance of common goals.

She never has enough time spent together! Send her this one, she might let you leave with a smile next time.

A few more memes which you can use as you see fit. Any time is a good time for a meme.

                      Related Reading:            What Is Love?        

A few more memes

This doesn't mean you are a toad, of course. Unless you want to be, in which case that is alright.

The internet has got us covered when it comes to memes. The Internet community has a bottomless well of ideas about so many different things, that if you would send memes each day, you would need several lifetimes to send a fraction of them.

So go wild and express your love using the popular artistic expressions – memes!


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